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Are Your Immunizations Up-to-Date?

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If you don’t remember the last time you had an immunization, it could be time to schedule a doctor’s appointment. Many people put off going to the doctor until they experience an injury or obvious sign of an issue. However, primary care visits play a crucial role in keeping you healthy at every stage of life, and one of these ways is by keeping your immunizations up to date.

At All Day Medical Care Clinic, our skilled team provides comprehensive health care services to patients of all ages. At our practice, we believe a medical home isn’t a brick-and-mortar location but rather a place you can turn to for all of your health care needs.

Here are a few immunizations you shouldn’t ignore when you reach adulthood.

HPV vaccine

The human papillomavirus (HPV) has direct links to several health complications, ranging from genital warts to cervical and anal cancer. To protect yourself from exposure to this virus, we recommend this vaccination for people ages 9-26.

For adults 27 and older, we can discuss whether the HPV vaccine is right for you.

Tetanus shot or Tdap

Even if you had a tetanus shot as a kid, that doesn’t mean it protects you for life. In fact, you need regular tetanus boosters every 10 years to remain immune.

A tetanus immunization protects you from exposure to bacterial infection that usually enters the body through a skin injury, such as a cut or infected nail. However, most tetanus vaccinations get administered with other vaccines in the form of a Tdap shot, which also protects against diphtheria and pertussis, also called whooping cough.

Our team recommends tetanus or Tdap vaccinations for people of all ages. If you don’t remember your last shot, we can help determine the best steps moving forward.

Annual flu shot

The flu may not seem like a big deal, but this contagious respiratory infection can cause severe illness and even lead to hospitalization and death. The good news is that research shows flu vaccines reduce these risks and prevent millions of illnesses and doctor visits each year.

Flu vaccinations are safe for anyone six months of age and older. You should also be sure to get this immunization each year if you’re pregnant, age 65 or older, or live with a chronic health condition.

Pneumonia vaccine

As you grow older, your immune system starts to weaken, making you more vulnerable to infection and more serious complications. That’s why our team recommends pneumonia vaccinations for people ages 65 and older.

Like the flu vaccine, this immunization doesn’t guarantee that you won’t become sick. However, it reduces your risk of infection and severe illness.

Shingles vaccine

Do you remember having chickenpox as a kid? Even if you didn’t have severe symptoms, the virus that causes this illness stays in your body indefinitely. It’s also the same virus that causes shingles, a painful rash that can cause nerve pain.

This condition impacts one in three Americans, and your chances of occurrence increase with age. Fortunately, getting a shingles vaccine after turning 50 can reduce your risk of illness and complications from the disease.

Travel vaccines

Whether you plan to visit or move to another country, you should talk to your doctor about your immunizations. These recommendations can vary based on your destination, and we recommend scheduling them at least 4-6 weeks before your departure. Allowing plenty of time between your immunizations and travel will help your body build up the proper immunities before you arrive.

To learn more about immunizations and recommended vaccinations, book an appointment online or over the phone with All Day Medical Care Clinic today.

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